Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mangoes and Memories

Summer, and mango season is here. Mango has always been a favorite summer fruit. As a kid, I remember that there were always enough mangoes at home. The season used to start with Alphonso's being shipped from Bombay, and end with Chausa and a whole lot of variety in between. Everyone in my extended joint family had a strong liking for mangoes.

But of all of us,  my dad was particularly fond of them. That was his favorite food, and to an extent, a comfort food. One particular story, related to mangoes and him is engraved in my memory ever since childhood. There was one summer when he was really sick, with high fever for a few days, and was not able to eat anything. And then, the doctors had to put him on drip at home. When he regained a bit of energy – almost at around midnight, he went to the refrigerator, and started eating a mango. That was how crazy he was for the fruit. I was really amused, and would reminisce story with him every mango season … and this year, just a look at the Mangoes make me feel sick, really sick missing him. And so, sharing the story …

Really miss you dad!!


  1. relish the memories you had with your dad n mango..don't shun them but get closer to your dad by still carrying on with mango....

  2. Thank you for reading and leaving the comment :-).

  3. Hugs..Kari! What Vikas said - eat them more and remember dad fondly! That's what will make him happy. I do the same with halwa :)

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