Friday, July 17, 2015

And thats what #cainer said for the week - should have read before the week ended.

Would you like to eat the meal you had last month? I don't mean the same dish; I mean the same meal. Unless, that is, it has been quickly frozen and then reheated with care. Maybe, then. But otherwise, no. Time moves on. Even when we want to repeat an experience, we must recreate it with fresh ingredients. Whether you want things to move on or to stay as they are, you have to invest energy and effort. Be careful, in your emotional life, how closely you identify with something that's a part of your past not your future.

Friday, July 10, 2015

My First Media Mention - ELATED!!!

Hi All,

We have received coverage  in Digital Market Asia basis commentary shared by Karishma Gupta on the Digital India initiative.

The industry story titled ‘Digital India Week: Will not miss the IT revolution, said PM Moditalks about the launch of Digital India Week. Karishma Gupta elucidates on the potential of the program and feels that businesses will now have more power to meet the county’s requirement across different sectors. She believes that companies will have opportunities to strike more meaningful conversations with their consumers who might have been unreachable in the past.

About the publication:

Digital Market Asia is a Singapore based media house that caters to the marketing community in the digital age. The company’s flagship news portal,, serves as a comprehensive source of news, views and analyses for all avenues of digital media, marketing and advertising. DMA partners with leading industry events that have a digital and technology focus to them. DMA acts as a lookout for new marketing ideas, emerging tools and technology for marketing and helps companies devise communication strategies for the digital landscape.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Context Switching and Stack Overflow

I switch context at work on a 30 minute basis, day-on-day. And Multitask. And today was no exception. I have had 17 meetings, each on different subject in the last 12 hours. It was meetings, and calls, on intensive, stressful topics, including over lunch and while driving. And each call was on a different topic. And, over a good 12 of them, I was multitasking.

I have had a stack overflow. And, I feel totally drained. I could do it before with ease, but I am finding it increasingly draining these days – ageing I guess.

I can feel that this all is resulting in :

  • Memory drain/loss. At times, I cannot remember what was talked because the context changed too soon.
  • Writing something different in an email, while I am on a call. Insanity!
  • Increased stress level
  • Over simulation of brain
  • Lack of focus
  • Dampened productivity

Meetings or no meetings - we all do multitasking: Texting while walking, sending emails during meetings, chatting on the phone while cooking dinner, emailing while driving and what not. In today's society, doing just one thing at a time seems downright luxurious, even wasteful – But I do hope that I can start indulging in this luxury – even if only for a few hours in a day.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Zen | Bliss

Slept late last night or early morning @ 2:00 AM.

Work up @ 4:00 to go the airport.

22 hours straight that I have not slept.

State of mind - Zen

Reason - Talking to three awesome, old friends - on the way to airport, in cab, and waiting at airport.

Feeling - Sharing crazy current times, laughing at silly jokes, and remembering old, crazy fun times - and the thoughts that everything will be good! And that hope matters!!

Some things money really cannot buy :-). For everything else, there is either a debit or a credit!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Ha! This is what I needed after almost 2 years of breakup with reading predictions!

This is what Cainer had to say on 6th April, 2014

The more you reflect, the more you can learn about what has been happening in your world lately. You may not be keen to do that, for you fear you have made some errors of judgment it may be wiser to ignore. You would rather move on from that than sit around feeling bad. Actually, you have much to be proud of. You have handled a difficult situation with grace and ought to award yourself praise, not blame, for how things have turned out. And, as the full moon begins to wane this week, they are about to get even better.

Yes, I need positive energy, motivation and reflections. There you go!!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Heaven they call Kashmir

May 2014 - One of the blessings - a family trip to Kashmir - Pahalgam. Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonmarg. Heavenly place and beautiful people. Sharing some captures - Will be there again - soon!!


Monday, March 30, 2015

Procrastination or Sheer Laziness

That's my treatment for the blog - a year and a month later - still need to revive!! Very soon!! Someday!!

London Through My Lens - Au Revoir Time

I promised my dear friend that I will write blog on my London - and my observations. It has been 6 weeks that I left London - and I still ...