Sunday, April 29, 2012

Summer Coolers - Indeed

Scorching heat, down in dumps mood, nasty arguments, or just pick-me-up needs --- there is nothing that a cool, refreshing cocktail cannot uplift. Today, was again one of those crazy days when I was really feeling annoyed with everything, and every one. It was one of those mornings when I woke up feeling angry (remotely related to watching endless series of Sex and the City reruns beyond midnight)  Then, though I was stupidly craving for pancakes, I ended up eating eggs and toast, feeling even more annoyed afterwards. Then, I realized that I had run out of my face wash – another argh moment, missed a call from a dear friend ( eeks), and it was too late to call her back; and then, in the middle of a fiery afternoon, I was waiting for a friend, to realize, that I had not confirmed the place, and the person was waiting at the other end of the city. Damn – and there I step into the lounge and order a cocktail.

Two sips was enough to make me realize that it ain’t all that bad. And , besides, I really need to do something about the many reasons of perpetually feeling annoyed these days!!

Cheers to life!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Seriously - Why?

Jonathan Cainer says -- When writers of comedy are looking for a quick and easy gag, they get their central character to declare, 'You won't find me doing this (or that) ever again.' Then, in the very next scene, we see them contravening this very vow. So much for their self-control - or their luck! It is funny when we observe this happening to someone else, less amusing when we find it happening to us.

He must be thinking of me when he wrote this... couldn't agree with him more... Seriously, why do i do this.. why...why....

- I will never text again. It is either no response, or same annoying response. Turn around - text again!
- I will never loose my calm and patience again. Damn... there you go, I lost it again!
- I will never snack on a Snicker again. I feel sick afterwards. OK-- here I go!

--- and the list continues....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mangoes and Memories

Summer, and mango season is here. Mango has always been a favorite summer fruit. As a kid, I remember that there were always enough mangoes at home. The season used to start with Alphonso's being shipped from Bombay, and end with Chausa and a whole lot of variety in between. Everyone in my extended joint family had a strong liking for mangoes.

But of all of us,  my dad was particularly fond of them. That was his favorite food, and to an extent, a comfort food. One particular story, related to mangoes and him is engraved in my memory ever since childhood. There was one summer when he was really sick, with high fever for a few days, and was not able to eat anything. And then, the doctors had to put him on drip at home. When he regained a bit of energy – almost at around midnight, he went to the refrigerator, and started eating a mango. That was how crazy he was for the fruit. I was really amused, and would reminisce story with him every mango season … and this year, just a look at the Mangoes make me feel sick, really sick missing him. And so, sharing the story …

Really miss you dad!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Paris, je t'aime

April 2011, Paris

Paris had always been on my places to visit – and yes, I am just one of the billions and billions people in this world with that list.

In April 2011, while flying to Zurich for work, I ended up watching Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris. Somehow, after the movie – the number I Love Paris kept on resonating in my head. And my French client just quipped - Paris Calling!>And boom – there was this strong, sudden impulse – Go to Paris. So, impulsively, to his horror, I decided to go to Paris all by myself.  I landed at Charles de Gaulle (Yes, I was crazy to fly there rather than take a train from Zurich).  It was one of the most not-so-impressive international airports in the world and my reaction was – OK – I hope it’s just the airport.!

Heeding to his traveling alone advice, I booked myself in Renaissance Paris Le Parc Trocadero Hotel. After reaching hotel, the first thing I did was walked 15 minutes to Eiffel Tower. And oh my god – there I was –in love with the city. This is as clichéd as I can get, but yes- there was something magical, and mystical about it.

Walk for another 30 minutes, crossing the hotel and I was at the Champs-Elysees. And then I knew – this is it. A city so beautiful, with spring in everyone’s step –for me, it truly lived up to its reputation of being the most beautiful, romantic, historical and stylish cities.

With a city tour in the day and a Siene river cruise in night – with the Parisian music playing – I was totally besotted with the city – promising to come back again! One of the weekends – very well spent!!

Self destruction or self protection….

I again canceled a lunch plan, last minute, with some random excuse.  The invite was for a fancy Italian restaurant – and at one of my favorite dining places. But what did I do – sent a random excuse via an SMS, and there… canceled it! Obviously the invitee was annoyed beyond words… 

What’s happening to me? I surely don’t enjoy sitting and sulking at home instead. Neither do I enjoy complaining about the lack of outings. Then – why do I decline when I have an option to go… what is it with me – am I fearing getting into relationships? Or I have started to fear social interactions?? Or I am just lazy to get out of a regular work and home routine?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

4 AM and 400 Steps to Sunrise

Pokhran, Nepal - December '2011

Evening Before--

Travel Agent - OK ma'am, the driver will pick you at 4:00 AM.

I - 4: 00 AM - Seriously! I am on vacation. We should start a little late?

Travel Agent - But ma'am, you wanted to see sun rise.

I -Yes, but the sun will not rise at 4:00 AM

Travel Agent - But ma'am, you will need to climb 400 steps to see the sun rise.

I - Really - what could be so captivating that I will get up at 4:00 AM, and climb 400 steps to see the sun rise. Don't I see sun daily.

Travel Agent - But ma'am - you paid for it. We will not be able to refund the money

As if that was my concern. My mom was listening to this conversation, and she immediately stepped in.

Mom - Please come at 4:00. We will go.

Travel Agent - OK ma'am. Be prepared and wear lots of woollens.

I - Just to save money, we will get up at 4:00, and who will climb those freakin' stairs

Mom - I would. You don't need to come if you don't want.

I - Fine!! I will sleep in the car.

4:00 AM next day, and 400 steps later - i was actually captivated by the eternal beauty of sun rising through Himalayas. When the sun slowly rose through the mountains, and spread its golden rays on snow-capped peaks, all I wanted to do was soak in its warmth. The experience was completely surreal.

Now I know why it is a must do in Nepal. I will totally get up for the experience again!. Thanks Mom!!

London Through My Lens - Au Revoir Time

I promised my dear friend that I will write blog on my London - and my observations. It has been 6 weeks that I left London - and I still ...