Monday, September 17, 2012

Positive Outlook

This is what Jonathan Cainer wrote for Cancers for Sunday, September 16th, 2012

"Don't worry about what seems to be ending; consider what is beginning. You are moving away from an arrangement or an agreement that has been unsatisfactory for some while, even though it has provided a degree of superficial stability. Now there is uncertainty and a sense of tension. But this is helping you get closer to a much brighter and more helpful possibility; an understanding that goes very deep and proves most fulfilling. Forget how things were and don't be afraid of how things may soon change."
It is a pity that I am reading it today.. should have read it yesterday -- Last few days have been something that i wish i could format....I do need a change - for the positive!! Now!! 


London Through My Lens - Au Revoir Time

I promised my dear friend that I will write blog on my London - and my observations. It has been 6 weeks that I left London - and I still ...