Tuesday, December 5, 2017

London Through My Lens - Au Revoir Time

I promised my dear friend that I will write blog on my London - and my observations. It has been 6 weeks that I left London - and I still miss it. So, I decided to write with Farewell. Will definitely try and write more. And all these photos, are by yours truly, from the phone lense.

Au Revoir London - I am sorry I had to break up with you, but I will miss you and your quirkiness so much - those dInner dates and long walks, that wandering into rain-kissed, lush country side, the ever partying people and midnight travellers in tubes - the musicians on streets and tricksters in gardens - for all the lovely people who came to meet us and all the amazing people who we went to meet... and so much more...
I had only planned a fling with you - didn’t know it will turn into love - but like they say - it’s not you - yes- not even your English weather - it is just me and my wandering spirit !! 
For all the good times and till we meet again...

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reading through my blog today

I went through my blog today - read it for the first time, literally. I realized the transformation in writing, and that how many times I actually gave in to procrastination, laziness, and just not wanting to write. And how many times i had my sarcastic sense of humor on.

I also realized the barrage of emotions/ emotional state that I was in while writing some of it - being happy, frustrated, pensive, cynic, or just looking for humane side.

All in all - it felt nice. And the reason i went through it - well, someone sent me a video that reminded me of my Dubai trip. I just decided to share my blog link with him - and then - there in a minute- for no reason, i started reading; and before i realized, i had spent the hour reading the whole blog.

Time well spent - don't know - because i am really strapped for it.

Time spent - oh well!! Hours!!

Time spent wide awake and thinking through last five years - more than 5 hours!!

London Through My Lens - Au Revoir Time

I promised my dear friend that I will write blog on my London - and my observations. It has been 6 weeks that I left London - and I still ...